7-Eleven Canada preparing to serve beer and wine inside several Ontario stores
Company says it is planning in-store service of a small selection of Ontario-made beer and wine products

Convenience store chain 7-Eleven Canada says it is preparing many of its Ontario shops to serve beer and wine in the store.
The company says it is planning in-store service of a small selection of Ontario-made beer and wine products.
7-Eleven says the beer and wine would be offered during limited hours in designated consumption areas of some Ontario stores.
The retailer says the Alcohol and Gaming Commission of Ontario is still reviewing its liquor sales licence applications, which were filed after the Ontario government decided to extend beer and wine retailing to convenience stores.
7-Eleven says the alcoholic drinks would complement its push into fresh and hot food, and would build on the chain's long history of controlling access to age-restricted products.
A statement from the chain says that if the licences come through, staff would take the Smart Serve training program, which is designed for workers who sell, serve, deliver or handle alcohol in Ontario.