Waterfront project plans please many at Thunder Bay open house
The $40 million proposal includes a spa, kayaking and boating area, along with a new art gallery and hiking trails.
Margot Thoms, who lives in one of the condominiums at the waterfront, said she hopes those who have negative opinions of the area get more involved.
"You're never going to please all the people all of the time," she said.
"There's always somebody who thought they were going to do it better, [or] differently ... typically someone who doesn't have the architectural background, the engineering background, the environmental background."
The open house is part of the second phase of development at Thunder Bay's waterfront. The first phase — completed just a few years ago — has received praise from many people in the city.
No council decisions yet
Project architect Calvin Brook noted the original idea of putting in more boat slips at Tugboat Basin has changed after looking at "nine different sites along the waterfront that could accommodate a marina."
Some people at the meeting were unhappy with the plans, largely because they wan more boat slips put into the area. But the public has been told there are archaeological items in the tugboat basin — such as sunken ships — making it nearly impossible to have boats in that area.
Brook said there's a balance of choosing what projects go forward, such as more boat slips, or space for the general public to enjoy.
Nancy Post says she likes the idea of a spa, which is being dubbed "Nordic springs."
"I had no idea there was plans for a spa," she said. "I understand that would be a private business. And I was very interested to see the skating trails."
Other proposals in the plan include re-vamping the current festival area, and moving the playground closer to where the tai chi park is.
The development project has been years in the making and is now nearing the end of the public consultation phase.
So far, council has not committed to spend the $40M or so to actually build all of it.
Council will have its chance to comment on the plans Monday night.