Thunder Bay to take over HAGI Transit service
City council made the decision a year ago, partly to save money
The delivery of specialized transportation service in Thunder Bay undergoes a significant change on New Year's Day, when the City of Thunder Bay takes over the door-to-door service for people who use wheelchairs or need other forms of assistance.
HAGI HandiTransit has operated the para-transit system for 37 years.

City council made the decision last year to fold the service into Thunder Bay Transit after administration reported it would lead to annual savings of $250,000. However the cost of required renovations at the bus depot on Fort William Road was estimated at more than one million dollars.
At the time the decision was made, some HAGI officials and specialized transit users expressed concerns that the level of service might suffer, but transit management said the city would examine how to improve the service through its transit master plan.
The city says passengers will see no change in the booking service in the new year. To request or cancel a trip, clients can continue to call 345-0777.
HAGI Community Services for Independence no longer sells passes, coupons or taxi scrips (a form of credit).
A full listing of sales outlets throughout the community is available on the Thunder Bay Transit website. Thunder Bay Transit says it will resume selling scrips on Jan. 2, 2014 at the transit office on Fort William Road. Scrips will only be available at that location.