Thunder Bay

Thunder Bay creating 'improvement plan' for Boulevard Lake

The city of Thunder Bay is creating a plan to guide future development and management of a popular city park.

City plan will guide park development, management

About 100 people attended an open house in Thunder Bay Tuesday to learn more about, and give input on, a plan the city is developing for Boulevard Lake. (Matt Prokopchuk/CBC)

The City of Thunder Bay is creating a plan to guide future development and management of a popular city park.

City staff, along with a consultant, held an open house Tuesday evening to get public input on the improvement plan for Boulevard Lake. To date, there has been no comprehensive plan for the park.

That's something that long-time park user Sandy Mertz wants to see changed. "I'm actually quite dumbstruck that the city hasn't had a strategic plan by this time," she said. "They've planned a lot of other things, but I think parkland is pretty important."

Sandy Mertz says she's been walking and hiking around Boulevard Lake for almost 60 years. She wants to see the natural environment continue to be a main feature of the park. (Matt Prokopchuk/CBC)

The plan is still in its formative stages. Consultant John Buchko said officials are putting a range of ideas to the public for feedback. It includes everything from new recreational opportunities to water quality, or how the park is managed.

One of the ideas drawing a lot of interest is the creation of an island in the lake using material collected after Boulevard is dredged this year, Buchko said. Other proposals included a bird blind, and the idea of not cutting grass in some areas to encourage more natural habitat and to pre-treat water.

Ralph Hibbert says he wants to see Boulevard Lake better connected to nearby Centennial Park and the rest of the city. (Matt Prokopchuk/CBC)

About 100 people attended the open house, and many had their own ideas to contribute. Ralph Hibbert said he wants to see more access to the park. "I'd also like to see it connected to the rest of the city by pathways, utilize Centennial Park, and the whole area in here," he said.

The public will get another chance to give more input this spring, with the plan slated to be finished later this year.