Filmmaker turns camera to Sasquatch legend
Red Rock filmmaker begins production on documentary about the legendary cryptid

Have you seen something strange in the northwestern Ontario woods?
If so, filmmaker Dee McCullay wants to hear from you.
The Red Rock filmmaker has begun production on his latest project, a documentary about the legendary Sasquatch, and is collecting stories from regional residents who may have encountered it.
"I know about Sasquatch in the area," he said. "I've heard the stories. I do believe there are some around here, around Superior, because it's just a vast area of forest, unexplored."
"I'm traveling around trying to get these stories — I hope to have at least five or six."

McCullay — who runs Red Rock's Thunderstryker Films — has tracked down a few witnesses so far.
One was from a logger working in the Timmins area, who recalled having things, inlcuding logs, thrown at him in the woods one day. The man then spotted something McCullay said looked like a "pile of hay" standing against a tree.
"He could sense the intelligence coming off of it, just like when you're looking at an animal," McCullay said. "He realized what he was looking at, and his legs just locked right up — he didn't know what to do."
"Finally, he managed to back up and run away," he said. "That was a really good story, and I don't think anyone would have heard it if I didn't decide to include it in the Sasquatch on Lake Superior documentary."
Looking for more stories
When complete — McCullay is aiming to have the project finished this summer — Sasquatch on Lake Superior will be available for viewing online, and the filmmaker is hoping to get it screened in other places, as well.
Anyone with a story to share can contact McCullay via Facebook by searching either Dee McCullay — Dark History or Thunderstryker Films.
He can also be found on Twitter as @dee_mccullay.