Thunder Bay

Parks, boats and skating on council agenda tonight

Thunder Bay City Councillors have a long agenda to get through tonight.

Councilors will tackle several items, including Chapples Park Master Plan

Council has a lengthy agenda for this evening, including discussions around the Chapples Park master plan. (

Thunder Bay City Councillors have a long agenda to get through tonight.

The Chapples Park Master Plan will be up for discussion.

City staff says it wants to turn the area into a city-wide sports park, with high quality fields.

The plan has a 15-year timeline that includes upgrades to the stadium, ball diamonds, and creation of an indoor sports hub.

The city has $1.25 million budgeted for upgrades to Chapples for this year.

Bringing back Alexander Henry

Another report will suggest the city contribute $125,000 to towing the Alexander Henry back to the city's waterfront.

The former icebreaker, currently in Kingston, could be used as a tourist attraction by the Lakehead Transportation Museum.

There are some conditions though to the money—  including requiring a business plan, negotiating a lease for dock space with the city, and preparing an audit of asbestos on the boat.

Skate times during breaks

Councillor Linda Rydholm will also ask for the city to create free public skate times during the Christmas and March breaks.

In a memo, Rydholm says with changing weather most outdoor rinks are not usable during the breaks, and the city should look at accommodating students.

End of the road for south side BIA

A Business Improvement Area on the city's south side could be officially dissolved by council tonight.

The Simpson Street BIA has a lack of membership, and does not have an active board.

Administration says it contacted business owners in the area, and there was a lack of interest in reviving the group.

The money remaining in the BIA's bank account, about $17,000 will be returned to the city.

Voting by phone, and roof repairs

Council is also expected to pass a bylaw that will allow voters to cast a ballot over the phone, or online.
The actual concept of online voting was accepted by council last summer.

They will also consider awarding an $850,000 contract to fix the remaining roof barrier (parapet) on the Whalen Building.

Finally, they will also hear from the Anti-Racism Committee, Boys and Girls Club, as well as a deputation on raising the social assistance rates in Ontario.