Thunder Bay

Chronic lateness forces TB Transit to adjust bus schedules

Thunder Bay Transit is adjusting the schedule for evening bus service so riders will miss fewer transfers and spend less time in the cold.

Riders were frequently missing transfers

Thunder Bay Transit is adjusting the schedule for evening bus service so riders will miss fewer transfers and spend less time in the cold.

A spokesperson for transit said that starting Nov. 18  target times for every bus run on weekday evenings — from 6 p.m. onwards — will be a little bit later.

"Buses were running consistently — say five minutes late — on every run," said Jon Hendel, planning and marketing analyst with Thunder Bay Transit.

"That then is compounded. So it just makes it worse and worse as the evening goes on, which then affects transfers at terminals."

Some Sunday services will also be adjusted. Hendel said heavier traffic has been making buses miss their arrival times for several months now.

Transit users have also been asked to note there are more significant changes to the schedule and route for the # 7 Hudson bus. Its arrival intervals will be changed from 30 minutes to 45 minutes — all day and during the evening.

For more information, go to  New printed schedules will also be distributed at both city hall and the waterfront terminal.