Big Thunder Wind Park approvals to wait until after election

The court application from the Fort William First Nation to block provincial approvals for the Big Thunder Wind Park has been adjourned until June 23.
The First Nation requested the adjournment in a Thunder Bay court today so the matter can be heard after the provincial election.
Chief Georjann Morriseau said she wants the project stopped, plain and simple.
"I want to see this through. And, it's very tiring and the tireless efforts that we've put forward I think need to be honoured and recognized, especially through those fundamental rights outlined in our treaty," she said.
Morriseau said she expects the province will commit to more consultation with the First Nation regarding the wind farm project. At this point, the First Nation and province have started to "communicate," she noted.
The First Nation has applied to Divisional Court for injunctions against the Ministries of the Environment, Natural Resources, Energy, and Municipal Affairs.
The First Nation claims its treaty rights have not been respected in the development of the Horizon Wind project.