Sudbury R&B singer Tessa Gooden hits the road for American tour, SXSW
Sudburians know Tessa Gooden as an actor in the YES Theatre company and as a cellist with the Sudbury Symphony Orchestra — but she'll soon be known to a much wider audience.
The R&B singer has just kicked off a US tour, and she's slated for a performance at the wildly popular South by Southwest (SXSW) music festival in Austin, Texas.
Gooden has been living in Toronto for the past couple of years, working in the service industry and grinding it out as a musician to make herself known.
When she was recently tapped by a music company from Tampa, FL. she said the call had her screaming.
"I was working at the time and I got a voicemail, and I — it's pretty much in the movies, when you see someone do a crazy dance and jump up and down ... it was pretty overwhelming!"
As for that SWSX performance, Gooden said she's "pretty floored" by the opportunity.
"I've always wanted to go ... just to even be a part of the craziness that is that music festival, and now to actually be a part of it is, like, beyond me!"
Listen to the complete interview with Tessa Gooden here.