Former St. Joe's hospital parking lot a prime space for cars and people

Sudbury city councillors are trying to decide whether parking or trees are more important on the shores of Ramsey Lake.
The city has been debating what to do with a parking lot off Paris Street, that was once used by Sudbury's former General Hospital.
Now, councillors are debating three options to regreen the lot and reconnect it with neighbouring Bell Park.
The cheapest proposal keeps most of the existing parking lot and create a walkway to the park.
The second involves some parking, but more greenery.
The third idea — which would cost the city more than $1 million — sees the entire lot transformed into paths, look-outs, and community gardens, with a handful of handicapped parking spots.
But councillor Robert Kirwan said Sudburians who live in outlying areas need the parking.
"They're driving their cars for the most part to get here to bring their kids to some kind of event at Bell Park," he said.
"They're not driving there so they can look at the trees in the parking lot. They're driving there so they can have a place to park their car. To reduce it so there's hardly any parking spots in there means we have this nice pathway down to the lower level and down to the lake, but we don't have a place for people to park to use it."
But councillor Al Sizer disagreed. He said the parking lot is hideous — and says only accessible parking should remain.
"I think we only get one chance at this. It's a real jewel in our community. And I think we need to bring it back as close as we can to its natural space. I'm really not certain that we need a lot of parking in that area. Let's regreen it," Sizer said.
Regreening addresses water runoff into nearby Ramsey Lake, Sudbury's drinking water supply, he added.
City council is expected to vote on possible options next week.
A recent community survey determined that parking is not a priority for residents.