Former GSDC members concerned about city council economic development plans
Mayor Brian Bigger says this is an opportunity to focus on economic development in the city
Some former members of the Greater Sudbury Development Corporation (GSDC) are concerned about a motion to dissolve the board of directors.
Mayor Brian Bigger tabled the motion during a city council meeting earlier in June and will debate it during the June 25 meeting.
If passed, members of city council will become the new board of directors for the GSDC.
Other changes include, "the City of Greater Sudbury assuming full accountability for all economic development activities and investments as of July 1," the city will also "establish The Greater Sudbury Select Cabinet for Economic Development to provide advice on generating economic activity."
Currently the GSDC works on economic development with the city, providing advice on direction and advising about the risks.
Now some former members of the GSDC are saying they don't agree with the motion and the changes that it will bring.
"My concern is that council's not going to have that ability for a body of volunteer experienced citizens and entrepreneurs to be able to provide the due diligence that some of these decisions may require," said Dr. Darren Stinson, a former chair of the GSDC.
He says that city council doesn't have a great track record when it comes to managing economic development in the city.

"For instance, the whole KED situation that the city finds themselves in was completely avoidable, had council sought the due diligence of the GSDC, many of the concerns that... have come to light in terms of the LPAT reviews and appeals may not need to have occurred," Stinson said.
"But instead they chose to run with it and make hasty decisions without receiving the due diligence," he said.
Vicki Jacobs, a former vice-chair of the GSDC, also has concerns about the motion.
She says the motion is an insult to all the volunteers who have worked hard to bring forward new opportunities in an open and transparent environment.
"They are approved by council, they are already a select committee of people in the community, the people that I worked with and the people that I know of currently, are very hard working and dedicated to improving our community economically and culturally, which is also the work of the Greater Sudbury Development Corporation," said Jacobs.
However, Bigger says the main objective of the motion is to elevate economic development and economic development strategy in the community
"At this point in time I think that many people are not fully aware of all the economic development activities that's happening in the community and that might go for council as well so this is the opportunity to elevate economic development in our city, this is the approach that has been contemplated and I'm moving the motion forward so we can have that debate," said Bigger.