Sudbury developer looking to build entertainment complex
Dario Zulich aims to build facility on property off Kingsway Blvd., near Moonlight Beach

A Sudbury developer is envisioning a casino, an OHL arena, a waterpark — or maybe all three — on his land near Kingsway Boulevard.
Three years ago, Dario Zulich had the 170 acres he and a partner own off the busy Sudbury thoroughfare re-zoned so he could build an industrial and office park.
Now, Zulich has applied to the city to have part of the industrial park re-zoned as an entertainment complex.
He has no deal or plans in place and said this is the first step in a long process.
“I don’t want to sit back and wait for someone to come to me. I’ve always been one to make things happen. So I’m not going to sit back and wait and wish and dream.”
‘Anticipating the future’
No lots have been sold in the industrial park, but Zulich said he is thinking long-term.
“I’m bullish for Sudbury in the future,” he said. “Me and my family always have been and always will be.”
His ambition could get political though, with many in Sudbury — including those who sit on city council — who see a casino and a new 6,000 seat arena as something that should go downtown.
“The city’s got to grow some way, in some direction,” he said. “And I think east is the direction.”
Zulich said he hopes things will change once the property is re-zoned.
“I’m just looking into my crystal ball, anticipating the future,” he said. “What I want to do is get the zoning in order so I can be more proactive and contact them.”
The re-zoning application will be heard by Greater Sudbury’s planning committee in the coming months.