Sudbury Daystarter: Rivers rising in far north

FLOOD CONCERNS: Concerns about spring breakup continue in the far north. The Ministry of Natural Resources is keeping a close eye on the Moose River. Ice jams could cause flooding in Moosonee and Moose Factory. Arrangements are being made to move patients out of the hospital in Moose Factory -- if necessary. Water is also rising quickly around Fort Albany and Kashechewan. Emergency officials say some of the more vulnerable members of those communities could be flown to south today. Tune in to @CBCnewsSudbury through the day for the latest on the situation.
MOOSE IN MINNOW LAKE: A moose has wandered into the Minnow Lake area this morning. Sudbury police say the moose was in a backyard on Kenwood Street. That's off of Second Avenue. Officers are trying to keep the animal away from roads, while they wait for Ministry of Natural Resources staff to respond and help relocate it.
LOCKERBY DEATHS: Reaction continues to come in from the community after two contract workers died in a mine in Sudbury this week. On Tuesday, two men died while working at First Nickel’s Lockerby Mine.
POT PLANS: A prescription pot industry could be just weeks away from lighting up in Greater Sudbury. Six companies have applied for a federal commercial growing license. One of them is called 682 RX Incorporated. It expects to have final approval to go ahead as early as next month.Bob Bateman, the company's financial consultant, says it's a venture by a Sudbury family that's just looking for a good investment.
For the latest info follow @CBCnewsSudbury on twitter. See breaking news? Call the CBC Sudbury Newsdesk: 705 688-3240.

TODAY: A wet disturbance is moving into northeastern Ontario from the southwest. Sault Ste. Marie, St. Joseph Island and Wawa can expect showers with the risk of thunderstorms today.Chapleau, Kapuskasing and Hearst will get those showers later this afternoon. Most of the rest of the region will be cloudy with showers developing overnight. Sudbury and North Bay can expect sunshine this morning, with increasing cloud this afternoon. Highs for most of the north from 11 C to 16 C. Attawapiskat will see a high of 6.
TONIGHT: Showers overnight with lows from 9 C to 5 C.
TOMORROW: Rain. Highs from 14 C to 19 C.
For the latest on weather conditions tune into @MorningNorth live from 6 a.m. to 8:30 a.m. each weekday morning. 99.9FM in Sudbury.

SUDBURY ROAD CLOSURE: Attlee Avenue will be closed between Lynwood Drive and Dublin Street on Thursday, May 8, for repairs to a water main break. The road will be closed between 5 a.m. and 5 p.m. Access will be maintained for local traffic and emergency vehicles.
CURB REMOVAL: The City of Greater Sudbury said there will be lane reductions on Lasalle Boulevard and Notre Dame Avenue is on-going due to curb removals. Construction at the intersection is expected to continue throughout the summer.
SEWER WORK: Sanitary sewer work on Windle Drive from Loach's Road to Millwood Crescent is on-going and only local traffic will have access. Pedestrians will be escorted across the site.
SIDEWALK REPAIR: Curb and sidewalk repair is on-going on Ontario Street until June 15. The city said work will happen between 7 a.m. and 6 p.m. Similar work is also being done on John Street West.
WATER MAIN REPAIRS: Attlee Avenue will be closed between 5 a.m. and 5 p.m. today between Lynwood Drive and Dublin Street for repairs to a water main break. The City of Greater Sudbury said access will be maintained for local traffic and emergency vehicles.
See problems on the roads at highways? Send a note to @Sudburytraffic on Twitter, or phone the CBC Sudbury traffic line 705-670-3191.

We've heading into spring, or as some call it, construction season. The CBC's Megan Thomas checked out some of the areas of Sudbury under construction this season. LISTEN