Salvation Army frets over lack of Sudbury volunteers

The Salvation Army in Sudbury is worried about its annual kettle campaign.
The agency says it may not have enough volunteers this year to keep the bells ringing through the holidays.
"The volunteers that we do have are going way above and beyond and helping out with additional hours," said Caroline Lewis, community ministries coordinator at the Sudbury Salvation Army.
'I've also been on the receiving end of getting one of those Christmas hampers.- Salvation Army volunteer Lyn Mullen
"But we don't want to wear anybody out right before Christmas. We are still looking, for the next week and a half, to fill up some spots. We are really needing some new blood."
She said about 150 people have signed up to work the kettles this year, but 60 more volunteers are needed.
Lyn Mullen has been ringing the bell for Salvation Army kettles in Sudbury for more than 20 years — and she is volunteering her time again this year.
"I've also been on the receiving end of getting one of those Christmas hampers," Mullen said. "So I have seen first hand how the money works."
The Sudbury Salvation Army hopes to raise $180,000 through this year during the kettle campaign, Lewis said. Money raised goes to the Christian organization's community and family services for everything from summer camps to providing clothing to those in need.