Ramsey Lake condo development gets green light from city planners
Developer was planning 171 units, but city staff recommending 147 be allowed

One of the most contentious developments proposed in Greater Sudbury in recent years will have its day in court on June 22.

Developer Norm Eady first pitched this idea several years ago and the configuration has changed several times.
The latest version would see two seven-storey buildings and one three-storey building go up on the property, containing 115 condominium units. There would also be 56 single family homes.
The planners are recommending approval, but want the development trimmed down to 93 condo units and 54 houses.
Staff also say the project should only be approved if the developer meets 50 conditions, many of them dealing with environmental and storm water run-off concerns.
You can read the report here.
Individual citizens and groups have submitted 17 letters of concern with the city, while two letters of support for the project have been filed.
After the planning committee vote, the development would have to pass a full vote of Sudbury city council before going ahead.
There were some hard words exchanged the last time the planning committee considered this proposal in 2013, but no decision was made. Hear what that sounded like by clicking here: