Laurentian University community has questions about closure of campus pub
Students' General Association said it's decided to close the campus pub due to "challenging circumstances"

The news came as a surprise to many in the Laurentian University community.
Last week, the Students' General Association announced on Facebook that the Pub Downunder is closed effective immediately, due to "challenging circumstances." There were no details about what those circumstances might be, but the post went on to say there had been numerous efforts to re-evaluate the operations and structure.
"We recognize this is a loss to our community, who have enjoyed the pub for many years, and to incoming students, who were looking forward to spending time there," read the post.
Marlene McIntosh, a part-time teacher at the Sudbury university, said she will miss the memories at the pub, which is located under The Great Hall.
"I loved the pub and it gave us a job," said McIntosh, who studied engineering at Laurentian in 1981 and worked at the pub for about a year, in addition to being a customer.
"Students need a place to go unwind and relax. It's needed to have a place to just blow off some steam, not worry about studying and homework."
McIntosh worked at the Pub 40 years ago, and enjoyed frequenting the establishment as both an undergrad and a grad student.
"The pub itself was really welcoming," she said.
She added that students without a place to have alcohol on campus will likely have more private gatherings and parties.
"There's going to be somewhere that they're going to congregate, so I could see more parties that can be pretty disruptive when other people come in and do things they shouldn't."
A number of alumni reacted to the SGA announcement on Facebook with concerns students will miss an integral part of campus life.
"I was pretty disappointed," said Paskwa Lightning, an LU graduate and the Indigenous Student and Community Engagement Coordinator.
Lightning added he enjoyed going to the pub regularly for lunch and being greeted by staff there.
"It's been there forever and it's a good place to hang out with friends and coworkers," he said.
He added students, weeks away from starting their fall 2023 semesters, will be missing pub nights and unique food selection at the campus.
"It's sad that it's going to be closing down and losing a big part of the community at Laurentian."

Isaac Vestby, vice-president of student life at SGA, told CBC in an emailed statement the needs of students are changing.
"The SGA believes it is important to recognize that the campus culture is not static, but dynamic
and evolving," Vestby said.
He added they are revitalizing Laurentian's campus culture with pub-style events and programming at its Student Centre building.
On Monday, the Student's General Association issued a statement with a bit more information.
The statement reads, "undoubtedly, most will recall that the University recently went through a CCAA process. And
while this process has had significant impacts on the University itself, it has also had far reaching
effects on the entire Laurentian University community, including the SGA/AGÉ.
"Our student population suddenly and dramatically decreased, having a direct impact on the SGA/AGÉ's
primary revenue source, student fees. At the same time, our fixed expenses remained largely
unchanged, most significant of which is the continued servicing of our Student Centre debt.
"As a result of this sudden and unpredictable drop in revenue, and the need to continue to meet
our ongoing debt servicing costs, the SGA/AGÉ is no longer in a position to provide the Pub
Downunder with the financial subsidization that it requires in order to continue operating."
The statement goes on to say the association shares the frustration and disappointment many in the Laurentian University community are feeling about the decision to shut the pub down.