Laurentian rowing team landlocked by Ramsey Lake ice

The slow snow melt this spring is good news for flood watchers in the Sudbury region — but it isn't great news for people hoping to get out on the water.
The Laurentian University rowing team would normally be preparing to practise soon on Ramsey Lake. Instead, the team could be stuck practising in a pool for another month.
“It just delays the season,” said coach Amanda Schweinbenz. “It means at their first events they will be a bit behind, compared to other people in the province. They will have to play some catch up.”
Schweinbenz said the first rowing competition on the schedule for Laurentian athletes is in early May.
“We have some athletes who are training in the pool right now and working on technique,” she said.
“And then we have some other athletes that will have to go to St. Catharine’s because they have open water. And they will be training there in order to prepare for national team trials.”