City of Greater Sudbury reaches deal with Lake Ramsey developer
University Park would see some 50 homes and three condominium towers built beside Lake Ramsey

The Ontario Municipal Board hearing on the 147 homes planned for the shores of Lake Ramsey was to be a two-way battle for the city.
On one side: John Beaudry who lives close to the proposed University Park development on Keast Drive, calling for the development to be much smaller and show more respect for the lake that supplies much of the city's drinking water.
And on the other side: developer Norm Eady upset that city council cut too much out of his plans before giving the go-ahead in July 2015.
- Development aims to 'clean up' Ramsey Lake
- Sudbury city council approves scaled-back Ramsey Lake development
But the hearing Wednesday started with an announcement that Eady and the city had reached an agreement, which they are now calling on the municipal board to accept.
It sees the number of condominium units go down by two to 91, while two more house lots are added for a total of 56.
The agreement would also allow the developer to build the required sewage lift station and stormwater run-off ponds in a portion of the property's designated flood plain, something city councillors had insisted on preventing before approving the plan two years ago.
Now, it's the city and the developer against the concerned citizen in a hearing that continues today and likely into next week.
But the final say from the municipal board on what will be built on this stretch of Ramsey shoreline is still months away.