Sudbury's Health Sciences North issues plea for personal protective equipment
Hospital working with groups to accept donations

Health Sciences North in Sudbury says it is cancelling all elective and non-urgent procedures because it is running low on personal protective equipment (PPE).
The hospital says it made the decision after checking the current supply of N95 masks, gloves, gowns and goggles.
The impacted patients are being contacted by the hospital.
The hospital says it's working with the Health Sciences North Foundation, the NEO Kids Foundation and the Northern Cancer Foundation to address the issue of PPE equipment. A COVID-19 Support Fund has been created and is accepting donations to purchase necessary equipment.
It continues to be in touch with businesses, industry and community partners to see if donations could be made.
Last Friday, a doctor at the hospital issued an urgent plea on Facebook for masks.
"If you have any N95 masks and you are not using them for direct patient care - reach out to our team at HSN. They will be used", Dr. Lacey Pitre wrote in her post, which she called a "request of the utmost importance."
The post was shared hundreds of times and did result in the promise of some donations.
Mining-company Vale offered 500 N95 masks and Barrydowne Paint is also donating 300.
Those who wish to donate can contact the hospital by e-mail.