Green Party names candidate for June 1 Sault Ste. Marie byelection
Kara Flannigan, public health sector employee, throws her hat into political ring

Kara Flannigan, a Sault Ste. Marie health care professional, has announced her intention to run in Sault Ste. Marie's upcoming provincial byelection under the Green Party's banner.
Flannigan represented the Green Party in the 2014 provincial election and the federal election of 2015.
Liberal David Orazietti stepped down as Sault Ste. Marie's MPP in December, prompting the byelection.
In a statement released today, Flannigan said she's running to offer people in the Sault a "positive choice."
"My priorities are to push the renewable energy economy in Sault Ste. Marie, to bring sustainable jobs to the area and to encourage the transition to a low carbon economy," Flannigan said.
GPO leader Mike Schreiner said he was excited to introduce Flannigan as a candidate.
"Kara's commitment to the community makes her an excellent candidate for Sault Ste. Marie," Schreiner stated in the release. "Residents in Sault Ste Marie deserve better than what they are getting under the status quo parties."
Former Sault mayor Debbie Amaroso will be representing the Liberals in the byelection, while city councillor Ross Romano (Progressive Conservatives,) and Joe Krmpotich (NDP) are also in the running.
Voters will go the polls June 1.