Truth and Reconciliation closing event underway in Saskatoon
Ceremony to mark the end of the commission's (TRC) work

A day-long gathering along the river in Saskatoon is underway.
It's one of several events across Canada to mark the release of the final report of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC). The TRC has spent six years examining the legacy of Residential Schools.
The commission's full report and recommendations have now been released in Ottawa.
The Saskatoon event, at Victoria Park, began with a pipe ceremony early this morning.
The Saskatoon Tribal Council is working with the City of Saskatoon, the Central Urban Métis Federation (CUMFI) and a number of other local organizations for the event.
Now, people are sharing their stories and experiences, people like Walter Linklater, an elder who attended two residential schools.
He said once said "he would never forgive the people at school."
But a young Linklater was told he would never be able to move forward until he did.
He said he followed that advice and is now glad that he did.

As well, remarks will be given by:
- Saskatoon Mayor Don Atchison.
- Saskatoon Tribal Council Chief Felix Thomas.
- CUMFI President Shirley Isbister.
Performers from Whitecap School will sing O Canada, in the Dakota language. As well, the Métis and First Nations national anthems will be heard.
A noon hour lunch of soup and bannock is also set, and is being sponsored by churches.
Afternoon events will include dancing (including a jigging competition) and songs.
The ceremonies will conclude around 4 p.m. CST under the theme "Moving on, together."