Transgender bride gets mediated settlement
Saskatoon bridal shop owner to give money to local charities

A transgender woman received a mediated settlement, after filing a human rights complaint against a Saskatoon bridal shop.
In April 2013, Rohit Singh asked to try on a dress at Jenny's Bridal Boutique. The store owner refused and Singh believed she was discriminated against.
Today, the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission (SHRC) announced that a resolution had been made.
In a news release, the SHRC said the bridal shop "infringed Section 12 of The Saskatchewan Human Rights Code by denying a transgender woman service."
The complaint was resolved after a series of mediation sessions between the Singh and the bridal shop's owner.
"Timely mediation is an effective tool in resolving complaints," David Arnot, Chief Commissioner of the SHRC, said in a news release. "When both parties are willing to participate in the process, complainants and respondents are in a position to move forward rather than prolong the matter."
As a result of the settlement, the SHRC says the business owner has agreed to give an undisclosed amount of money to two local charities.