Horse from the Walking Dead comes alive at Agribition
Renowned animal trainer Tommie Turvey shows off his skills

A television star is at the Canadian Western Agribition in Regina this week, but you might not know him by name.
Blade has been in more than a dozen movies, but his most popular role to date was as the horse in the first episode of The Walking Dead that was attacked and eaten alive by zombies.
"It's all Hollywood magic and it's just incredible that you can get a horse that trusts you enough to let you do that to him," said Blade's trainer Tommie Turvey.
Turvey is a celebrity in his own right. The renowned animal trainer is famous for his horsemanship, stunts and trick-riding.

"It's all about trust," Turvey said. "My training is all about safety, too... So not only do I have a horse that does all these great behaviours, but also is a horse that is greatly behaved."
Blade is at Agribition all week with both afternoon shows and as part of the rodeo at night.
In the afternoon, he showcases many of the cool behaviours he's trained his horses to do, and includes segments that explain how he trains them.

At the rodeo, he'll be performing a slapstick comedy act where his horse Poker Joe appears to get the better of him.
Other acts include one where Turvey rides atop two horses, and one where Turvey performs a cowboy act with his dog Deuce and Blade.