Therapy dogs ease stress at Saskatoon airport
Saskatoon Airport Authority program coordinated by St. John Ambulance

A delayed flight, lost baggage or the fear of flying can cause stress and anxiety.
The Saskatoon Airport Authority knows this well. So it launched a therapy dog program today to help passengers have a more pleasant experience flying in and out of the city.

Mona Etchuverry and her dog Nicki served as a therapy team today. She believes they'll make a difference for anxious travellers.
"Well in the airports again, they're stressed. So it can stop them from what they're worrying about, and it takes their minds off things. The dog is calm so that also helps to bring some calmness to them," Etchuverry said.
Kim Kulai is definitely a stressed out traveller. When she spoke to CBC News, she was about to board a seven-hour flight to Hawaii.
"You're in an aluminum tube and you have no control over anything, and it could go down," she said.
But spending some time with Etchuverry's dog, Nicki helped, she said.
"It's kind of nice. It makes you feel better, it calms you down, and makes you feel like you're at home with your dog."