Saskatoon restaurant The Hollows closing permanently due to aging building, say owners
Social media post makes it clear COVID-19 not responsible

A popular Saskatoon restaurant has closed its doors for good.
On Monday, The Hollows announced on Facebook that the building it's in would be demolished sometime after Sept. 30.
The post said the building's owners decided not to spend the money to bring the structure up to code.
"Built into my plan was always to go out with a big bang and leave on a high note," says owner and chef Christie Peters.
"So it is kind of a big disappointment. But, you know, we're all in the same boat here with this [pandemic]."
The building where the restaurant set up shop more than eight years ago used to house a Chinese restaurant, the Golden Dragon.
The Hollows was one of the Riversdale neighbourhood's first restaurants to focus on farm-to-table dining.
Like many restaurants, The Hollows closed last month over concerns over COVID-19. The owners consolidated their business at its sister restaurant, Primal, located a few blocks away.
Peters said the pandemic was not to blame.
"My grandmother drilled into my brain about the Great Depression and how she grew up in the Depression and waste not want not," she said.
"We grow our own vegetables and we can everything. So, we're always kind of ready for what's around the corner."
Peters said she would miss the old Golden Dragon location.
"It's so beautiful in here," she said.
"It's like a time capsule."
The restaurant said it would honour all gift cards at its other location.