Should backyard chickens be allowed in Saskatoon?

In some Canadian cities people are allowed to keep chickens in their backyards. We'll hear on Saskatoon Morning that ducks are becoming a popular animal to keep, too.
Since we talked about backyard gardening last week and how some people want to be able to sell the veggies they grow, I'm wondering what you think about keeping poultry in backyards.
Since chickens are prohibited animals in Saskatoon, do you think people should be able to keep chickens and ducks within the city limits? Should the animal control bylaw be changed? Would you keep chickens if you were allowed?
Replay the live chat below, or if you'd like to weigh in, leave your thoughts in the comment section.
Join online host Matt Kruchak from Monday to Friday between 6-8:45 a.m. on for a lively and engaging live chat. While chatting, tune into Saskatoon Morning on 94.1 FM with host Leisha Grebinski.