Saskatoon canoeists, kayakers worried about motorboat launch relocating to Victoria Park
Potential motorboat launch located near canoe area could create safety concerns, say groups

A coalition of Saskatoon canoe and kayaking clubs want motorboats to stay away from their boat launch.
For more than 10 years, the city has maintained a temporary motorboat launch at Kiwanis Park, with the intention of finding a permanent home down the road.
At an open house, the Meewasin Valley Authority said its preferred location for a new launch would be north from the 1989 Jeux Canada Games boathouse in Victoria Park.
But local canoeists have serious safety concerns about launching motorboats so close to canoes.
No decision has been made yet on a motorized boat launch.- Andrew Roberts, special use facilities manager
"It immediately puts vehicles that weigh thousands of pounds right in contact with what are effectively the pedestrians of the river," said Saskatoon Canoe Club member John McClean. "It's akin to putting a bike lane across an on-ramp onto Circle Drive. It just doesn't make any sense."
Right now, motorboats are banned from River Landing to the Gordie Howe Bridge under federal regulations. The zone provides protection for canoeists, especially beginners, from large waves that could tip them over.
"Can you imagine what would happen if somebody launches their boat and they have trouble getting their motor started?" asked McClean. "And they drift right into a rowing shell with eight young kids in it, learning how to row? That's not going to end well."
Preliminary study
According to the city, the issue will be talked about at community meetings this summer before going to city council this fall.
"No decision has been made yet on a motorized boat launch," said special use facilities manager Andrew Roberts. "We want to paint a complete picture of recommendations, the research and data."
Our ultimate goal is to provide safe access to the river for all users.- Andrew Roberts
The Meewasin Valley Authority has drafted a study on the issue, stating that the Victoria Park location has the right water depth for a boat launch and appropriate infrastructure.
However, the city says it will take a number of factors into account, including canoeists.
"Safety is our primary concern," said Roberts. "Our ultimate goal is to provide safe access to the river for all users."
However, the canoeists feel like their concerns aren't being taken seriously. At an open house in December, McClean said Meewasin downplayed concerns of potential problems between canoeists and motorboats.
"They said, 'When there are problems, you can just go and educate each other,'" he said. "That's just unrealistic. It's just not going to happen."
The clubs asked for a copy of Meewasin's report, but it would only release a heavily redacted version when asked under Freedom of Information laws.
The Saskatoon Canoe Club, Saskatoon Rowing Club and Saskatoon Racing Canoe Club have launched an online petition against a motorized launch in Victoria Park.