Michael Wileniec files human rights complaint to use medical marijuana at school
21-year-old wants to use marijuana vaporizer on school premises
A Saskatoon student is taking a medical marijuana complaint to the Saskatchewan Human Rights Commission after his school wouldn't let him use it on its property.

He is behind in school because of the illness. He dropped out for several months to recover from surgery on his left leg.
He told Saskatoon Morning host Leisha Grebinski that he is in pain much of the time. He has a prescription for medical marijuana, but his high school, Nutana Collegiate, won't let him smoke it at school.
Saskatoon Public Schools has asked Wileniec to drive home to smoke his prescription if he feels pain. So far, the school has denied his request to use a vaporizer in the nurse's room.
"They're not allowing me to be like every other person who has to take their prescription," he said. "I don't feel I should have to suffer on my drive home."
School work suffers
According to Wileniec, the school is concerned the nurse's station does not have proper ventilation. However, Wileniec said by using a vaporizer, and a device called a Smoke Buddy, he can smoke without creating any smell or vapour.
"At my house, we don't have any proper ventilation," he said. "My parents don't smell it, none of my brothers. I have siblings that are younger than me and they have no idea what it is."

However, Wileniec said that's not good enough.
"I'm dyslexic," he said, "Doing homework by myself, in my house, is extremely difficult. And having to do class homework as well as my homework, in my house, while I'm dyslexic, is not really doable."
His father, Mark, worries about his son's studies slipping.
"His best learning environment is in the classroom," he said. "That's his best way of learning, rather than going home."
Wileniec said his doctor prescribed medical marijuana because it is less habit forming than traditional opioid painkillers.
School board response
In a statement, the Saskatoon Public School board says it cannot comment on specific or individual cases.
"We are committed to working to accommodate students' specific needs to ensure their learning goals are achieved," it said. "The school division operates on a case-by-case basis to address situations where an individual student requires the use or administration of medication of any kind during the school day."
"Saskatoon Public Schools works to provide appropriate accommodations that are responsive to the learning needs of both the individual and the school community. We are guided by the Education Act, human rights law regarding accommodation, our administrative procedures and specific circumstances."