Hunters with disabilities to have easier access to motorized track chairs
Permits will no longer be required for track chairs
The government of Saskatchewan has introduced new legislation which will make it easier for hunters with disabilities to use their mobility aids.
The Wildlife Regulations Amendment Act will make changes to the Saskatchewan Wildlife Regulations, including "greater access and less red tape for hunters with mobility impairments," according to Environment Minister Warren Kaeding.
"Hunters will be able to take advantage of new technologies in motorized mobility equipment, without the requirement of obtaining a permit to use the equipment."
Prior to the changes, many types of motorized equipment — including track chairs — were listed as all-terrain vehicles and hunters were required to obtain a permit in order to use them for hunting purposes.
Hunters with disabilities were authorized to use equipment like track chairs last year.
"With these changes, hunters no longer need to apply for permits," according to the Ministry of Environment.
"The type of equipment that could be used could be varied depending on the type of mobility impairment but could include standard motorized wheel chairs, scooters, or even wheel chairs on tracks."