Green Party hopes environmental platform resonates in Saskatoon
The party earned 3 per cent of votes in Saskatchewan in 2011
Valerie Harvey describes herself as a realist. The Green Party candidate for the Saskatoon-University riding said the chance she will get elected is remote.
She said the latest poll shows she has four per cent of the vote but she said she knew that before she entered the race.
"For me, why I decided to run in this election is to make sure the issues that are important are on the table and that they're being discussed."
Harvey, who is the director of the Saskatoon Criminal Law Office of Legal Aid Saskatchewan, said the environment is a major issue in this election and she's concerned about what she's hearing from voters in her riding.
"Some scientists from my riding are choosing to leave the country as a result of what they've seen happen, the dismantling of research facilities and libraries."
Why I decided to run in this election is to make sure the issues that are important are on the table and that they're being discussed- Valerie Harvey, Green Party candidate
Mark Bigland-Pritchard, the Green Party candidate for Saskatoon-Grasswood, said people in his riding are more open to hearing about the Green Party's environmental platform.
"Dependence on fossil fuels is now clearly seen to be not just environmentally unsustainable but economically risky as well. So we do need to diversify the economy in a big way."
Bigland-Pritchard, who is an applied physicist and director of Low Energy Design Ltd, said the Green Party has the most comprehensive strategy for change. He's hoping to attract more support from first time voters as well as younger and aboriginal voters.
"We have to give First Nations proper rights, their land rights, recognize them on a nation to nation basis," he said.
Lois Mitchell, the Green Party candidate for Saskatoon-West, said she entered the race because she wants to see Green Party leader Elizabeth May in parliament with a stronger voice.
"We are in climate crisis. We are in social crisis and Green Party policies address all of the issues," Mitchell said.
"We need to get off oil. We need to to get to renewable energy ASAP if we're going to have any kind of future."