Decision reserved until July in case of Marlene Bird attacker, Leslie Black
Woman was beaten, set on fire in 2014
The conclusion of a dangerous offender hearing for a Saskatchewan man who viciously beat a woman before setting her on fire has been delayed.
Leslie Ivan Black pleaded guilty to attempted murder in connection with the brutal assault on Marlene Bird in Prince Albert in 2014.
Bird's injuries were so serious, both legs had to be amputated and she lost much of her eyesight. A sexual assault charge against Black in connection with the attack was withdrawn at the time of his plea.
- Leslie Black apologizes for setting Marlene Bird on fire
- Leslie Black affected by childhood trauma, capable of extreme violence, psychiatrist tells hearing
The hearing to determine whether Black should be sent to prison indefinitely heard all the evidence last month. Its conclusion has been delayed to give both sides time to prepare final arguments and written briefs.
The arguments are now scheduled for June 30.

Judge Stanley Loewen initially said he wished to hand down his decision by June, but said Friday that target is no longer viable. He now hopes to have the matter concluded by mid-July, he said.
A psychologist testified at the hearing last month that Black is not necessarily a high risk to reoffend if he gets intensive, long-term therapy.
However, a psychiatrist testified that justice officials can't presume to understand Black and what he's capable of, given what he did to Bird. He had no known history of violence.
Black remains in custody at the Regina provincial jail and has apologized for the attack. He also said he understands that Bird and her family have not forgiven him, and he accepts any sentence he's given.