10 tips to protect yourself from ticks
It's tick season, the time of year to think about protecting yourself from the tiny, blood-sucking insects that can carry lyme disease.
Ticks can carry lyme disease

It's tick season, the time of year to think about protecting yourself from the tiny, blood-sucking insects that can carry lyme disease. Here are ten precautions to take to avoid ticks:
- Wear clothing that covers as much of your skin as possible.
- Wear light coloured clothing to make the ticks easier to spot.
- Tuck your pants into socks and wear shirts that fit tightly around your wrists.
- Use an insect repellent with DEET.
- Stay in the centre of the trail when hiking and avoid the long grass.
- Keep your pets out of the wooded areas and long grass.
- Regularly check yourself and your children
- Regularly check your pets for ticks before coming indoors
- Returning from a tick-infested area, remove your clothes, shower, and do a thorough tick check.
- Wash and dry all clothes on the hottest setting to kill any ticks left on clothes.
(Source: Sun Country Health Region)