R.M. of Sherwood councillor Tim Probe going to trial
Probe facing charges of municipal corruption, breach of trust

Tim Probe, councillor for the Rural Municipality of Sherwood, will stand trial at the Court of Queen's Bench in Regina on charges of breach of trust and municipal corruption.
Earlier this year, Probe was asked to resign from his position, which would have complied with recommendations from the provincial ombudsman.
- R.M. of Sherwood councillor asked to resign says he won't step down
- R.M. of Sherwood calls on councillor to resign over conflict of interest ruling
Probe and former councillor Joe Repetski were found to have been in conflict of interest during a meeting in January 2016.
Probe and Repetski should have recused themselves from a discussion about the legal fees that the two had incurred during R.M. business, ombudsman Mary McFadyen said.
The duo had been reimbursed and the R.M. was looking to recover the money paid to them.
Probe refused to resign by a deadline the R.M. had imposed.
A worker with the R.M. said an application for disqualification has been submitted by council to the courts. A hearing has been set July 6.