RM of Sherwood releases community plan

The Rural Municipality of Sherwood, which surrounds Regina, has its own plans for growth.
The RM released its official plan for growth Thursday, just six days after learning Regina was keen to annex land from the RM.
The deputy reeve of the RM, Tim Probe, said his community is not interested in getting into a fight with Regina.
The RM's plan includes language suggesting the two municipalities should work together.
"Respect for individual jurisdictional authority is the philosophy," the Official Community Plan, or OCP, says. "Land uses [in designated areas] will neither impinge on Sherwood's or Regina's long term growth objectives."
The designated areas are also known as the urban-rural fringe and comprise vacant lands, in both communities, that straddle their boundaries.
Deputy Reeve Tim Probe also noted his community's plan for urban-style residential areas should mesh well with Regina's need for more housing options.
"Mayor Michael Fougere had made a statement some time ago about housing," Probe said Thursday. "Well if this doesn't accommodate a housing need I don't know what will."
A development, called Wascana Village, was unveiled Thursday at the same time of the OCP. That project, which will take eight to 13 years to complete, will eventually be home to 14,000 people.
While Probe said the RM hopes to work collaboratively with Regina, the two communities have been through a rocky period.
The RM said it was "shocked" by the lack of consultation by Regina over its annexation plans. The two communities also clashed over a proposed warehouse project for a tire company.

With files from CBC's Dean Gutheil