5K for night owls new at Queen City Marathon this year
People who like to run after sundown will have a new option this year at the Queen City Marathon.
Annual Regina event runs Sept. 8-10

People who like to run after sundown will have a new option this year at the Queen City Marathon.
A five-kilometre event for night owls is part of the annual September marathon weekend, billed as Saskatchewan's biggest road race.
Registrations began Wednesday.
The Regina event, which began in 2001, includes three days of races and is expected to involve around 6,000 participants.
The sign-up for volunteers has also begun.
QCM includes a marathon, a half-marathon, a 10K, two 5Ks, a relay race and a kids' mini-marathon.
Participants and spectators at the evening run, which begins at 8 p.m. CST, are encouraged to bring flashlights, headlamps and glowsticks.
The race weekend is Sept. 8-10, 2017.