Square footage prices for homes in Regina, Saskatoon have nearly tripled in 20 years
Prices per square foot up 170% in Regina, up 191% in Saskatoon

Prices for detached houses in Regina and Saskatoon have steadily been rising over the last two decades, according to Century 21.
Price per square foot in Regina is 170 per cent higher in 2017 than 1997, and 191 per cent higher in Saskatoon.
Residents were paying about $97 per square foot in Regina 20 years ago and now people are paying about $263. In Saskatoon, the price per square foot was about $102 in 1997 and $296 in 2017.
Brian Rushton, executive vice-president of Century 21 Canada, said the growth in the two prairie cities has been steady, due to constant markets with good investments made on the long-term.
The numbers were gleaned from asking Century 21 franchisees across the country what a "typical" home is in their neck of the woods, and to provide an average price and square footage of the said home.
The company said there will be a slight variance region to region as each province tracks statistics in slightly different ways, but the company said "each franchisee has confirmed that the numbers provided are an accurate representation of their market."
Unsurprisingly, Vancouver is the most expensive place to live in Canada, according to these numbers. The most expensive area is west Vancouver at $1,210 per square foot.
On the flip side, Windsor, Ont., was the most affordable at $95 per square foot.