Regina police offer Pokemon Go safety tips
Go in groups, look both ways when crossing street, police say

The Regina police service is offering safety tips to Pokemon Go players as they roam the city in search of Pikachu and friends.
The game, which overlays images of Pokemon characters over real locations, has become a worldwide sensation in a matter of day.
It's not officially available in Canada yet, but that hasn't stopped numerous Regina residents from grabbing their phones and giving it a try.
Officer Jenny’s Tips for Pokémon Trainers <a href="">#PokémonGO</a> <a href="">#yqr</a> <a href="">#DontCatchAndDrive</a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a>
Now it's gotten the attention of the Regina police.
"The Regina Police Service has noticed the high number of residents walking around playing Pokemon Go," the police said in a Facebook post.
"While the game has gotten players off the couch and enjoying walks outside, we'd like to remind you of a few safe playing habits, so that catching virtual creatures doesn't put you in actual danger."
The police note that part of the game involves setting "lures" or "bait" for Pokemon, raising concerns that there are people who might seek to exploit or victimize players who are so wrapped up in the game that they forget to practice good personal safety.
Among the tips:
- Be aware of one's surroundings and don't travel into isolated areas alone.
- Keep out of private properties/yards and be respectful if you are entering a business.
- Play as a team, because there's safety in numbers.
- Cross the street only at a cross-walk, not at mid-block or from between parked vehicles.
- Designate someone to be a look-out for dangers, and make sure everyone watches for traffic and suspicious strangers.
- Do not travel into the path of traffic for a Pokemon. Look both ways crossing the street and don't use the phone while crossing.
- Younger children should have an older sibling (over 16) or a parent with them.
- Playing during daylight hours is best, but if it's at night, wearing reflective clothing is a good idea.