Oil change in Regina comes with perogies
Peg's Kitchen supplies the perogies

A Regina business is making an offer that appeals to those who love comfort food: perogies with an afternoon oil change.
A picture about the enticing promotion was posted to social media this week and has attracted considerable attention for the Great Canadian Oil Change shop on Rochdale Blvd.
"Every time you approach them with a platter of perogies to take home — for free — they're always excited about it," Cory Laczko, from the shop, said Thursday. "It's been a very positive response to it so far. I think pretty much everyone I've offered them to has taken them."
Laczko noted his perogies (which are frozen) come from Peg's Kitchen, a Regina company known for its tasty foods.
"They're not just some [mass-produced product] that we're boiling in the back or something like that," Laczko said. "This is the real deal."
He said customers, especially the pre-supper crowd, appreciate getting the perogies.