Regina executive committee votes to move garbage, recycling and yard waste services to user-pay model
If approved by council, fees would come on utility bills beginning in 2024
Regina's executive committee voted unanimously Wednesday in favour of charging for garbage, recycling and the new yard waste pickup program on utility bills rather than property taxes.
The committee looked at four different pay options: all three services on property taxes, two combinations of property taxes and utility bills, and the one chosen that will move all three services to a user-pay model.
City council will have the final vote on the proposal at next week's meeting.
"All of these options are going to cost us more money," said Ward 8 Coun. Shanon Zachidniak. "There's no option that's going to cost less for a new waste diversion and if we don't do this properly, we're going to pay again later with a new landfill."
Right now, recycling fees show up on utility bills and regular garbage collection falls under property taxes.
The yard waste pickup will be a new service next fall.

As part of the proposal, residents will be able to choose between the current 360-litre garbage cart or a smaller 240-litre cart for a lesser fee.
"If it's approved today, then I personally feel that my house will be able to use the 240-litre garbage cart to save money," said Ward 10 Coun. Landon Mohl.
If households choose the smaller 240-litre garbage cart, their yearly fees would be $193.45 per year, which also includes the costs associated with collection and processing for a 240-litre food and yard waste cart and 360-litre recycling cart.
Choosing the larger garbage cart will cost $284.70 per year.
The option chosen by the executive committee also includes a rate reduction component for seniors and low income households.
Currently, Regina has brown carts and blue carts. Next fall there will also be green carts for food and yard waste.
Moving to a user fee for all three curbside waste services will remove approximately $8.9 million (or 3.16 per cent mill rate) in costs from the property tax base.
Regina's waste diversion rate has remained static at about 20 per cent since 2015.
The city's goal is seeing the waste diversion rate increase to 65 per cent and prolong the life of the city landfill.

It's estimated a new landfill would cost between $50 million and $100 million.
If approved by council, the new fee structure will come into effect Jan. 1, 2024.
Many other cities across the country have moved to user-pay models.
Starting in 2024, Saskatoon households will be able to choose from three sizes of garbage cart: the 360-litre carts currently in use, or alternate 240-litre and 180-litre options available at a reduced fee.
At that time garbage, food and yard waste and recycling services will all be charged as a utility.
With files from David Shield