Nov. 16 Question period coverage from CBC's Stefani Langenegger
Fall session continued Monday at the Saskatchewan Legislature

Saskatchewan politicians returned to work Monday and there were several controversial topics — from Syrian refugees to carbon capture — to discuss.
- Sask. Premier Brad Wall asks feds to suspend Syrian refugee plan
- U.S. senator Joe Manchin slams SaskPower carbon capture project
- Sask. prepares for 2,000 Syrian refugees in 45 days, while Premier Wall calls for pause
CBC reporter Stefani Langenegger was at the Legislature for question period today.
Here are some of the highlights:
<a href="">#skpoli</a> Speaker Dan D'Autremont asks for a moment of silence to begin <a href="">@SKLegAssembly</a> to remember those who lost lives in Paris
Syrian refugees
In a written response to <a href="">@PremierBradWall</a> <a href="">@cambroten</a> cautions against 'stirring up fear' against Syrian refugees <a href="">#skpoli</a>
Cardiac care
QP: <a href="">@cambroten</a> back on cardiac care discrepancies in <a href="">#skpoli</a> Quotes health min saying "difference fiscal situations" in <a href="">#yxe</a> vs <a href="">#yqr</a> regions
QP: <a href="">@cambroten</a> says another patient here today was referred to <a href="">#yqr</a> cardiac care program but did not go b/c could not afford it <a href="">#skpoli</a>
QP: <a href="">@cambroten</a> says dangerous and appalling that finances stopping people from going to <a href="">#yqr</a> cardiac care program <a href="">#skpoli</a>
QP: <a href="">@cambroten</a> Proper cardiac care *(according to govt's own info) saves $28,000/patient - which quickly makes up $90K subsidy cut <a href="">#skpoli</a>
Carbon capture
QP: <a href="">@cathysproule</a> asks about former supports of carbon capture feeling mislead by <a href="">@SaskPower</a> Still telling people spin vs. truth? <a href="">#skpoli</a>
QP: <a href="">@cathysproule</a> says U.S. senator Manchin who used to like carbon capture now feels mislead by <a href="">@SaskPowerCCS</a> <a href="">#skpoli</a>
QP: Economy Min says NDP just wants to shut down <a href="">#skpoli</a> energy sources, especially coal.
U.S. <a href="">@Sen_JoeManchin</a> slams <a href="">@SaskPower</a> carbon capture project <a href=""></a> <a href="">#skpoli</a>
P3 schools
QP: <a href="">@WotherspoonT</a> asks about P3 plans for schools. Milwaukee corp. to maintain schools? Let's see what that will cost? <a href="">#skpoli</a>
QP: <a href="">@PremierBradWall</a> says that same Milwaukee company has been doing HVac work in <a href="">#skpoli</a> for years before P3 schools <a href="">#skpoli</a>
You can follow Stefani Langenegger on Twitter @SLangeneggerCBC or CBC Saskatchewan @CBCSask.