Off Script: Jill Morgan's must-see TV moments from CBC News Saskatchewan
The documentary on Marlene Bird by Duncan McCue is something Morgan encourages you to watch
Sometimes the news seems to go by so fast, we barely catch the headlines. Here are a few things on the air (and off!) that caught my eye this week.
The extra-large pizza debate
We clearly have strong opinions on the beloved food.
A couple in Regina placed their long distance delivery order from a pizza parlour in Windsor, Ont. saying they couldn't find a good one here. Twitter and Facebook exploded with shock, outrage, and a long list of favourite Queen City pizza joints.
Honestly, I'm with you. A favourite lunch for me is Houston Pizza's all-dressed with a glass of coke.
But this isn't about me, or our hurt feelings over pizza supremacy. It's about a woman who wanted to get her partner the same pizza they miss from back home — the place they used to hang out.
The feelings tied to food are pretty powerful and I think it is a wonderfully romantic gesture to do something a little ridiculous for the one you love. So I hope we can let this couple enjoy their pizza in peace.
Marlene's story
The documentary that aired this week on Marlene Bird by Duncan McCue is something I really encourage you to watch.
Often we see a slice of someone's life when something tragic happens and then we move on.
This is a chance to see how she's doing now as a double amputee and learn more about the person behind the awful events. It also shows how she ended up in such a difficult place.
The strength of Marlene Bird is really astounding.
The team
Farah Singh and Glenn Reid are both away right now and that puts Adam Hunter in control of the sports desk.
Adam's quick wit always keeps me on my toes. He's like the big brother I never had and, as I'm learning, maybe I never wanted. KIDDING.
What are the odds?
Colette Kennedy is in the CBC Weather Centre.
As a meteorologist, she knows the science. She is smart, dynamic, easy to listen to, and a snappy dresser (check out the photo below).
Colette is on Twitter too: @colettetown
Let me know what you think of these stories or anything you see on the show. If you didn't catch the last newscast, you always find it here. You can also find me on Twitter: @jillmorganCBC