Marlene Bird attacker Leslie Black seeks to expunge guilty plea
Black pleaded guilty during court proceedings in April

Leslie Black, the 30-year-old Prince Albert, Sask., man who pleaded guilty to a horrific attack on Marlene Bird — who lost her legs following the assault — is back before the courts seeking to expunge the plea.
Court officials in Prince Albert said an expungement hearing is set for March 10, 2016.
Bird, who lived a transient life in Prince Albert, was found horribly injured in a shopping mall parking lot June 1, 2014. She had suffered such severe burns that both her lower legs had to be amputated and she was left with a large laceration that stretched across her entire face from the centre of her forehead down to her chin.
In April of this year, Black, who had been in custody since he was arrested a few weeks after the attack, pleaded guilty to attempted murder. Police said at the time of his arrest that he had been a casual acquaintance of Bird's and had been a person of interest since the start of their investigation.