17-year-old Sask. author hopes new Cree children's book inspires language learning
The book follows the imaginary adventures of two small kids

At 17-years-old, Jewel Charles is a published author in both English and Cree. Now she hopes to inspire children to write their own stories.
It started with a writing assignment in her Saskatoon high school last year. Charles and a classmate started thinking about their experiences as children. Charles is originally from La Ronge and remembers Northern Saskatchewan fondly.
"I remember playing in the bush a lot and I wanted to put all the adventures I would come up with myself in the book," she said. "I had so much freedom because of the small town."
The book, Kihci - Kimotan, A Special Secret, follows two young children who go on imaginary adventures, from climbing mountains to being in space.Charles, now in Grade 12, published the book this year. Rather than a traditional narrative, the story is told through a poem.

"It's a children's book so young kids could read it easily," Charles said.
She said it was important to translate her poem into Cree because of her family's history. Charles' kokum (Cree for grandmother) went to a residential school and as a result didn't teach Charles' mother the language, meaning Charles in turn wasn't taught.
The book was translated with the help of family and friends and was adjusted to the Cree dialect in La Ronge area. Children at her first reading, at the Alex Robertson Public Library in La Ronge, were incredibly receptive to the Cree words, she said.
She said she hopes the book inspires children to learn Cree.
"I think that community in La Ronge too, they really want children to learn. I feel like this book also helps with that," she said.
Her book is also being used to help teach college students at Northlands College.

Charles painted all her own illustrations, inspired by the adventures she used to dream up when she was a child. She said her love of the arts started when she was little.
"I was three-years-old, my mom says, because I used to steal her paint," Charles said with a laugh. "It has become my passion."
People can find Kihci - Kimotan, A Special Secret at Turning the Tide in Saskatoon — where Charles currently lives — or they can reach out to Colleen Charles to get a copy, she said.
Charles said she hopes the book helps young people know they can create anything they want to.
"I want to be a role model for them."