Immigration fueling Saskatchewan population jump

Saskatchewan is still growing fast, with immigrants making up virtually all of the people who moved to the province in the first three months of the year, Statistics Canada says.
According to the federal statistics agency, Saskatchewan grew by 4,470 people in the first quarter of 2012 — and among provinces its growth rate was second only to Alberta.
As of April 1, there were 1,072,082 people living in Saskatchewan.
With a boost of 19,642 people in the past year, the figure now stands at 1,072,082.
The strong growth is driven by immigration, with a net increase of 3,436 people coming from other countries.
The natural increase -- babies being born minus deaths -- accounted for another 1,043.
In terms of interprovincial migration, there's actually a small negative number -- an estimated nine people left to go to other provinces.
The provincial government says from April 1, 2011 to April 1, 2012, the population grew by 19,642 -- the most growth in any one-year period since 1930.