City of Regina finance committee discussing $6.6M for Globe Theatre renovations
Globe Theatre undergoing interior renovations while maintaining exterior facade

The City of Regina's finance and administration committee is meeting on Wednesday and they'll discuss $6.6 million for Globe Theatre renovations.
The money, announced last year, would be paid out through the city's Recreation/Culture Capital Program and would be split over multiple years between 2020 and 2023, according to a committee report.
There would be $1.32 million provided in 2020 and $1.76 million in each of the subsequent three years. City council would have to approve the deal at its next scheduled meeting on May 27th.
"The Globe Theatre has asked the City to enter into a funding contribution agreement to cover various costs, such as the design phase costs, based on cash flow projections," reads a city report.
The Globe Theatre is in the Prince Edward Building, located in downtown Regina. Due to the age of the building, opened in 1907, renovation requirements mean that the interior of the building is essentially being hollowed out and upgraded.
The renovations are pegged to cost around $29 million in total, with funding coming from the federal, provincial and municipal levels of government. There is also private sector money involved, as part of the funding scheme.
The funding from the higher levels of government is dependent on the Globe meeting certain criteria and the theatre is currently in the process of completing a required assessment.
Until that is complete, a deal has not been finalized between the federal government and the province on what their contributions will be. A deal with the City of Regina alleviates some of the cash flow pressures during the design and construction phase of the renovations.
The list of things needed to be upgraded, repaired or replaced is as follows:
- Create a new accessible main entrance.
- Remove pillars in the main stage theatre to improve sightlines and increase seating capacity (400 to 500 seats).
- A new, fully accessible professional second stage/flexible space.
- Double the number of theatre school classrooms.
- Significantly upgrade the theatrical audio and lighting equipment.
- Install a catwalk system.
- Repair and remediate the original stone exterior.
- Upgrade electrical, mechanical and structural systems.