Elections Canada fixing mix-up, re-sending voter cards
Says some voters received incorrect information about where to vote

Elections Canada has reissued some Saskatchewan voters their voter information cards, this time with the correct information.
It admits some voters received the wrong information about where their polling station was.
"If you received your voter information card and something seems off, if you're unsure, if it seems like your polling station is 70 kilometres away, I invite you to call Elections Canada," says Marie-France Kenny, the regional media advisor for Elections Canada.
"Most likely, we're already aware. But just to be on the safe side, and to make sure you are going to the right station and that we do give you those voter information cards with the correct information, call your local Canada Elections office."
Kenny says this happens every election, but it's not a widespread problem.
"We have some pocket areas within the country where we are aware of situations, and we are addressing them rapidly."
She also wants to remind voters if they do receive an incorrect voter card, and then a correct one, to bring the correct card with them when it's time to vote.
If you do go to the wrong polling station, you will be re-directed to the correct one in your riding.
Cause of mix-up unclear
Kenny says Elections Canada isn't sure what's behind the mix-up, but points out 80 per cent of voters are affected by the new electoral map, and that there are 20,000 polling stations across the country.
"We haven't found the source and we're not focussing right now on finding the source," she said. "We will do that, but not right now. Right now, we're focussing on getting the proper information to electors so they're ready to vote."