CFL fans tweeting out variety of responses to expected Chris Jones deal
Roughriders expected to confirm Eskimos coach is coming to Saskatchewan

As soon as news surfaced that Edmonton Eskimos head coach was on his way to Saskatchewan, fans were tweeting out their reactions fast and furiously.
Some sounded deflated by the news.
Obviously I understand why Chris Jones left but it's still disappointing as an <a href="">#Esks</a> fan. There was momentum & continuity that is now lost.
Others were bitter.
Have fun losing with green inbreds you turncoat Chris Jones <a href="">#CFL</a> <a href="">#Esks</a>
More than one fan, perhaps slightly tongue-in-cheek, blamed the NDP.
Damn NDP! <a href=""></a>
Some took the high road.
Chris Jones came in, showed the Esks how to play, and won a Grey Cup. No regrets. Wouldn't change a thing.
Chris Jones was made available to interview. Riders made an offer to Chris Jones. Chris Jones accepted said offer. <a href="">#SmartBusinessMove</a>
Congrats to Chris Jones for getting paid. Congrats to <a href="">#Riders</a> for getting an excellent GM/HC. <a href="">#Eskimos</a> will be okay. All Good for <a href="">#CFL</a>
Best wishes to Chris Jones and his family as he starts his new endeavours in <a href="">#saskatchewan</a> with the <a href="">#Roughriders</a> <a href="">#cfl</a>
One noted the sky-high expectations Jones will be encountering in Riderville.
My condolences to Chris Jones, new GM/HC to the <a href="">#Riders</a>. It seems hard to achieve any long term success in both jobs. <a href="">#CFL</a>
One theme was the notion that the Riders are trying to buy their way to a Grey Cup.
I cant help but feel the <a href="">#riders</a> just "ny yankied" the <a href="">@CFL</a> & the <a href="">@EdmontonEsks</a> with coach Jones signing <a href="">@JasonGregor</a> <a href="">@Riders13thMan</a> winning
I feel like Chris Jones is a mercenary. He's paid to build a team up, then moves on to more money to build another team. <a href="">#CFL</a>
Jones is coming into a far more problematic situation than he encountered coming in as the new Edmonton coach, one commenter noted.
2013 Esks needed a few extra pieces to the puzzle to contend 2015 Riders are a straight up dumpster fire with Durant Good Luck Jones 😉
Meanwhile, lots of happy people in Saskatchewan.
For many reasons, what a beautiful morning in <a href="">#Riderville</a>. <a href="">#yqr</a> <a href="">#yqrstadium</a> <a href="">#Riders</a> <a href="">#CFL</a> <a href="">#ChrisJones</a> <a href=""></a>