Nick Pearce
Nick Pearce is a Local Journalism Initiative Reporter at the Saskatoon StarPhoenix.
Latest from Nick Pearce
Portraits from acclaimed Saskatchewan photographer Thelma Pepper reveal untold stories
Thelma Pepper told the stories of rural women, the elderly and newcomers with the respect, dignity and resilience they deserved. A year after her passing, Pepper's artwork is as woven into Saskatchewan's fabric as the lives she captured on black and white film.
Canada -Saskatchewan |

'A scary situation': Trappers contend with wildfire unknowns
Wildfires are on the brink of demolishing four of the Barks family's northern trap line cabins. This year's wildfire season in Saskatchewan more than doubled the five-year average with 530 fires as of Friday afternoon, forcing evacuations and impacting trappers' livelihoods and ways of life.
Canada -Saskatchewan |

New calls to recognize Timber Bay Children's Home as a residential school after Kamloops discovery
The shocking discovery of unmarked graves in Kamloops, B.C., has resurfaced an old dispute about whether a northern Saskatchewan children's home was a residential school.
Canada -Saskatchewan |

Meadow Lake Tribal Council releases Cree and Dene language apps
Gwen Cubbon says it was needed in the communities and can be customized for regional dialects.
Canada -Saskatchewan |

2020 was particularly tough for Sask. small governments
The coming year could be a trying one for Saskatchewan's small governments.
Canada -Saskatchewan |
Once rural landmarks, wooden grain elevators are disappearing from the prairies
Wooden grain elevators used to be the sign of a successful community. Now some are struggling to preserve them.
Canada -Saskatchewan |

'Always emotional': Fewer small auctioneers as big prairie farms become the norm
The number of Saskatchewan farms peaked in 1941 at 138,713. Within a single lifetime, by 2016, those numbers fell roughly 82 per cent, to 24,523.
Canada -Saskatchewan |