Iryn Tushabe
Iryn Tushabe is a Ugandan Canadian writer and journalist. Her creative nonfiction has appeared in Briarpatch Magazine, Adda and Prairies North. Her short fiction has been anthologized in The Journey Prize 30: The Best of Canada's New Writers and in the Carter V Cooper short fiction series. She’s completing her debut novel set in contemporary rural and urban Uganda.
Latest from Iryn Tushabe

First Person
Christmas is a painful reminder of the family I left behind when I immigrated to Canada
Like many other people who live far away from their childhood homes, the holidays multiply my feelings of homesickness.
Canada -Saskatchewan |

Point of view | 'Those who journey see': Becoming a Canadian citizen is a transformation with gains and losses
This week, Iryn Tushabe traded in her permanent resident card for a citizenship certificate in Regina. Originally from Uganda, she says in her 12 years in Canada she has learned the process of immigration is one of holding onto some aspects of her homeland dearly and letting others go.
Canada -Saskatchewan |