Air quality alerts continue to affect parts of Saskatchewan
Heavy smoke from forest fires could appear near ground and create haze

Heavy smoke from Saskatchewan's northern forest fires started blowing south on Tuesday, and Environment Canada's the air quality statements continued to spread Wednesday morning.

The affected areas ranged from the east-central town of Kamsack, Sask., to the northern village of La Loche and surrounding areas.
Environment Canada warned that at times, the smoke could appear near the ground and give skies a hazy appearance.
The weather service ended the alerts for eastern Saskatchewan at around 7:40 a.m. CST, but the alerts persisted in the northern areas.
According to the Red Cross, more than 1,100 people have evacuated northern communities due to the ongoing forest fires. Most of them are staying in either Saskatoon or Prince Albert.
The daily wildfire update from the Ministry of Environment reported 43 active wildfires in Saskatchewan on Wednesday morning, which is down from 50 the previous day.
The total number of wildfires this season is 349.